Vaccinations & Immunizations
Mercy Urgent Care offers select vaccinations and immunizations for you and your family at all eight locations with no appointment necessary.
Vaccines are prepared and administered to improve immunity to specific diseases. They typically contain an altered form of the microbes, toxin or protein from the disease-causing agent. By stimulating the immune system through these injections, the body undergoes the immunization process. Once immunized, the immune system recognizes and destroys microorganisms related to the disease or sickness for which you or your child were vaccinated.
Available vaccines and immunizations include:
- Tdap: tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (whooping cough)
- Hepatitis B
- TB skin testing
- Influenza

West Asheville

7 Days a Week, 362 Days a Year (Closed Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas)


7 Days a Week, 362 Days a Year (Closed Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas)


7 Days a Week, 362 Days a Year (Closed Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas)


7 Days a Week, 362 Days a Year (Closed Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas)

Foothills (Columbus)

7 Days a Week, 362 Days a Year (Closed Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas)


7 Days a Week, 362 Days a Year (Closed Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas)

East Asheville

7 Days a Week, 362 Days a Year (Closed Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas)

South Asheville

7 Days a Week, 362 Days a Year (Closed Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas)