
Give the Gift of Health
The holidays are a time for giving back and helping others via gifts of time, money, or physical presents. But did you know helping others is actually good for you as well? Research shows that the act of giving can boost your physical and mental health…
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Holiday Overtime Work
It’s no secret that many workers face longer hours as the holidays heat up and temperatures cool down — whether it’s potholes that need filling, streets that need salting, packages that need delivering or power that needs restoring. As overtime kicks i…
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Thanksgiving Safety Tips
Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to gather with friends and family, eat delicious food, watch football or the parade, and travel. While Thanksgiving is filled with all these wonderful moments, it can also bring the possibility of burns, cuts, scrapes a…
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Diabetes Awareness Month
November is National Diabetes Awareness Month, giving us a great reason to focus on one of the most pervasive chronic diseases in America. In the United States alone, diabetes affects more than 37 million people — each of whom must live with the diseas…
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Drowsy Driving
Did you know that drowsy driving is responsible for more than 6,400 deaths in the U.S. annually? Or did you know that nearly 30% of American drivers have admitted to falling asleep at the wheel? National Drowsy Driving Prevention Week, Nov. 6-13, is ai…
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Flu Vaccinations
When temperatures begin to dip and the days get shorter, the seasonal flu rears up to make its presence known. While it may be easy to dismiss the flu as an annual annoyance, influenza is a dangerous illness that should be taken seriously by employers…
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