National Diabetes Month
You may already know that November is National Diabetes Month. But did you know that addressing diabetes could be good for your business? Diabetes can be extremely costly — costing $327 billion in 2017 alone, according to the CDC — and employers can pl…
Read more.Men’s Health Month
This November, join us in celebrating National Men’s Health Month (better known as Movember), which highlights men’s health issues with special attention given to prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and mental health. Globally, men live, on average, fi…
Read more.Health Literacy: Know Your Numbers
From the Mercy Occupational Medicine October eNewsletter In addition to Home Eye Safety Month, October is also Health Literacy Month. Health Literacy Month began in 1999 as a way to improve individuals’ understanding of their personal healthcare inform…
Read more.Proposed Covid-19 Vaccine and Testing Mandates for Businesses
From the Mercy Occupational Medicine October eNewsletter It’s likely you have heard about the Biden Administration’s proposed COVID-19 vaccine mandate for Federal employees and private companies that employ more than 100 workers. The proposed mandate r…
Read more.Flu Shots: What’s New for the 2021-2022 Season
From the Mercy Occupational Medicine October eNewsletter With much of the news focused on the recent resurgence in Covid-19 cases, it is easy to forget about other viruses such as influenza. The flu is likely to be as prevalent this season as it has be…
Read more.October is Eye Safety Month
From the Mercy Occupational Medicine October eNewsletter Each year, thousands of people are blinded by workplace-related injuries that could be prevented with the proper use of eye and face protection. Though October is Home Eye Safety month, it is als…
Read more.